System shock 2 weapon degradation
System shock 2 weapon degradation

system shock 2 weapon degradation system shock 2 weapon degradation

Much of the difficulty comes from resource scarcity. It was difficult, even for its time, so is there any wonder it goes tried and unfinished? It's not a game you simply pick up and play. This is unfortunate, though understandable. Maybe in my second playthrough.System Shock 2 is an old PC game that lacks the streamlined simplicity of modern game design, and many who start don't finish. (and this is coming from someone who usually plays Mage type charactes in RPGs). I have to manage PSI points, not drink any booze, carry around a weapon sized amp, put points into individual skills when I'm not sure which ones I'll need, AND have to deal with a weird UI for selecting powers? Nah, I'll stick with Bullets and energy pulses, thanks. Sure this left me with no points for PSI powers, but screw that noise. Oh, is that a recharge station? BAM, full ammo again. Oh, one of those assassin things that massacres me most of the time in about 2 seconds? BAMBAMBAM done, and I killed the one right behind it too. Oh, you're a turret that shoots deadly rockets? BAMBAMBAM, done. I had enough that I was full-auto-firing the assault rifle near the end and still had a bunch.Īnd the EMP rifle? GOD I loved that thing. It allowed me to fight at range a lot of the time (and thus preserve HP) and preserve most of my ammo for the final levels. The energy pistol, with its "free" ammo was super useful for popping eggs that I'd already searched from a distance, or for dealing with minor threats (protocol droids, normal hybrids, cameras, etc). Sure, when you start seeing enemies that resist energy weapons more and more (shakes his fist at the spiders), it's not as useful, but it was still good to have. On the other hand, I did not regret maxing out my energy skills. Crystal is better since you'll most often be meleeing worms, and energy weapons stink at that.

System shock 2 weapon degradation